01 Mar 2025

Watch This Space for Announcements!


Self-discipline? Ask the Ants! (5)

Human nature is capable of some excesses if not controlled. We naturally desire pleasure and definitely abhor pain. There is nothing wrong with pleasure; only that it has its moments. We can make pleasure our priority or our reward. Priority comes first while reward comes later. Pleasure as a priority is fleeting but as a […]

Cooperation? Ask the Ants! (4)

Cooperation simply means joint operation. The word paints the picture of an activity that cannot be successfully or efficiently carried out alone. It describes the need for interdependence so that someone’s strength complements the weakness of another. Cooperation shifts the attention from a person to a group. Imagine a soccer player refusing to pass the […]

Effective Communication? Ask the Ants! (3)

A couple decides to get a divorce for irreconcilable differences. A teenager rebels because she believes her parents don’t understand her. A student fails because he cannot express himself to the satisfaction of his teacher. A staff is fired for failing to effectively carry out his duties. An organization loses its competitive advantage because the […]

Win-Win Deal? Ask the Ants! (2)

I read an interesting story about the frog and the scorpion. There was a major flood and the river overflowed its bank. One day, the scorpion wanted to cross to the other side of the river but couldn’t. So, he approached the frog and said, “Frog, please carry me on your back to the other […]

Drive and Focus? Ask the Ants! (1)

A few years ago, I saw a programme on television discussing new inventions. The most intriguing to me was an alarm clock embedded in a rubber ball. The rationale was that people usually hated to be awoken by an alarm in the morning (though it was necessary) and would feel better if they could vent […]

Introducing World’s Unrecognised Superpower!

Who is the greatest meat eater in the world? Not the lion! Who has one of the most sophisticated communication systems in the world? Not the Pentagon! Whose strength lies not in individuality but collective efforts? Not the army! Who is the heaviest weight lifter in the world? Not Paul Anderson! Who is stronger than […]

What We Learnt From Nature

Knowledge is everywhere if we care to notice. Everything around us teaches us a lesson if we choose to be observant students. We can learn a lot by observing. We must begin to ask the right questions and pay attention to our environment; more often than not, we will find our answers there. We sometimes […]

Valuable Quotes for 2017

I’m so excited that we made it to 2017. What a joy that once again, we have an open book before us with blank pages. As we begin to write our success story for 2017, here are a few valuable quotes I believe will help us put things in perspective. Please enjoy them: “Cheers to […]

Your Highness, Your Ride Awaits You

He felt a slight touch; then another touch. It appeared someone was trying to wake him up. As he struggled to open his eyes, he heard the most surprising words of his life, “Your Highness… Your Highness your ride awaits you”. “If those words are meant for me,” he thought, “I must still be dreaming. […]