01 Mar 2025

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Category: Latest Articles

Future Thinking? Ask the Ants! (10)

We tend to make better decisions when we ask ourselves, “What will be the effect of this choice?” or “If I continue on the path I’m currently treading, where will I be in the next 10 or more years?” We often fail to think far enough into the future to imagine the consequences of our […]

Specialisation? Ask the Ants! (9)

To specialise means to become more focused on an area of activity or to become more specific and suitable for a special purpose. You are considered to be a specialist when you acquire skills, ability, knowledge and experience unique to an area. It is good to be able to do several things well but it […]

Endurance? Ask the Ants! (8)

Imagine you wake up one morning to hear you have been named the unified world heavyweight champion in boxing instead of Anthony Joshua! Next to you are the championship belts you admired on TV the night before. In your living room are paparazzi and people wining and dining in your honour. As you begin to […]

Leadership? Ask the Ants! (7)

Everyone seems to know a thing or two about leadership. At least so it appears when you listen to people argue on the subject. Even those who don’t consider themselves as authorities on how to lead still blame every adverse situation in their countries, organizations or families on leadership failure. A search for the word […]

Selflessness? Ask the Ants! (6)

I want to begin this article by being sincere with you. This is the most difficult piece I have ever written! I contemplated this topic for days, even weeks; trying to figure out how to write this. Of course it is a lesson from the ants but ant-life appears to be less complex when it […]

Self-discipline? Ask the Ants! (5)

Human nature is capable of some excesses if not controlled. We naturally desire pleasure and definitely abhor pain. There is nothing wrong with pleasure; only that it has its moments. We can make pleasure our priority or our reward. Priority comes first while reward comes later. Pleasure as a priority is fleeting but as a […]

Cooperation? Ask the Ants! (4)

Cooperation simply means joint operation. The word paints the picture of an activity that cannot be successfully or efficiently carried out alone. It describes the need for interdependence so that someone’s strength complements the weakness of another. Cooperation shifts the attention from a person to a group. Imagine a soccer player refusing to pass the […]

Effective Communication? Ask the Ants! (3)

A couple decides to get a divorce for irreconcilable differences. A teenager rebels because she believes her parents don’t understand her. A student fails because he cannot express himself to the satisfaction of his teacher. A staff is fired for failing to effectively carry out his duties. An organization loses its competitive advantage because the […]

Win-Win Deal? Ask the Ants! (2)

I read an interesting story about the frog and the scorpion. There was a major flood and the river overflowed its bank. One day, the scorpion wanted to cross to the other side of the river but couldn’t. So, he approached the frog and said, “Frog, please carry me on your back to the other […]

Drive and Focus? Ask the Ants! (1)

A few years ago, I saw a programme on television discussing new inventions. The most intriguing to me was an alarm clock embedded in a rubber ball. The rationale was that people usually hated to be awoken by an alarm in the morning (though it was necessary) and would feel better if they could vent […]