01 Mar 2025

Watch This Space for Announcements!


Just not good Enough!

It appears that a lot of people have lived so long with negative words and reactions from the people around them that they now believe they are normal. Our society has become so negative that we believe bad news twice as fast as we believe good news. If you receive two messages on your mobile […]

Motivational Speakers are Frauds?

“Motivational speakers are frauds, they are cheats.” “They share principles that they can’t support with their personal experiences.” “They only stir up emotions.” These and several other statements are very common when people talk about motivational speaking. People feel embittered about some persons who appear to make money off “naïve” audience by downloading information from […]

Speak out that Idea!

Most great thinkers and successful persons in the world, both past and present, have, at one time or the other, associated their successes to good ideas. Several books have been published on this valuable seed called idea and how it can be capitalized upon for great achievements. We cannot over emphasize the fact that good […]

Birds of a Feather

An interesting study was conducted by Solomon Asch in 1951 to test how people’s beliefs affect one another. He invited people to sign up for a psychological experiment. When the volunteers arrived, he allowed a person to enter into a room where six people were already seated, with an empty seat left for the newcomer. […]

This is Your Year

Happy New Year to you. Thank God you made it to 2016. There is something quite interesting about life- it is a never-ending cycle. Towards the end of 2015, there was an excitement about ending the year. We all looked forward to it as though we had lived the entire year just to see it […]

Be Thankful

This is the time of the year when we celebrate Christmas as well as settle down to evaluate our year. We are just a few days away from 2016, and we need to assess our performances in the outgoing year. No doubt that at the beginning of 2015, we all made a list of the […]

You’re Fired!

Mr. Charles swayed on his seat with his fingers clasped under his chin. Though he was trying to think, his mind was consistently bombarded with unattractive consequence. The biggest question on his mind was “How”. That task was undoubtedly the most difficult one he had performed since his appointment as the Chief Personnel Officer of […]

Long Time No See!

Have you ever met a friend or relative you have not seen for a while, and in less than three minutes, he or she has asked you where you are currently, what you are doing, how long you’ve been doing it, where each of your siblings are and what they are doing? I don’t know […]

How to Carry on a Conversation

Carrying on a conversation is a lot of work. It takes a lot of effort to engage people in a discussion that is mutually profitable and enjoyable; most times, someone benefits from it while the other just looks on. That reminds me of an experience I had several years ago. A friend paid me a […]